Casa em Penha Longa
Adalberto Dias | Marco de Canaveses
Rua do Rio, Penha Longa, Marco de Canaveses
Adalberto Dias
Adalberto Dias
Original use
New use
Holiday house
Arménio Teixeira, Jaime Eusébio, Nuno Rocha
Technical consultancy
Eng. António Dinis, Eng. Jorge Malta,
Eng. José Ramos
O Doiro sublimado. O prodígio de uma paisagem que deixa de o ser à força de se desmedir. Não é um panorama que os olhos contemplam: é um excesso da natureza. Socalcos que são passadas de homens titânicos a subir as encostas, volumes, cores e modulações que nenhum escultor, pintor ou músico podem traduzir, horizontes dilatados para além dos limiares plausíveis da visão. Um universo virginal, como se tivesse acabado de nascer, e já eterno pela harmonia, pela serenidade, pelo silêncio que nem o rio se atreve a quebrar, ora a sumir-se furtivo por detrás dos montes, ora pasmado lá no fundo a reflectir o seu próprio assombro. Um poema geológico. A beleza absoluta.
(Miguel Torga, Diário XII)
Time 1
It was born small and in the correct place, on the right bank of River Douro, at half slope. Humble in its dimension and deviated from the urban agglomerate, its only company were birds and their twitter in their daily fluster, and the noise of the wild waters of the river running to the sea.
Time 2
It grew up, taking possession of the terrace that addorsed on it at West respecting the same metric and material, the same constructive and man-made technics, as it has always been: a new cell similar to the first two and another terrace (restoring the lost one) was the right measure.
Time 3
The next time is the one of abandonment, by the family; the reasons are known and universal - search for new opportunities and perspectives of life. The river loses its agressivity after the construction of the dam upstream, and the birds look for other places to survive. The ruin settles down and conquers that place.
Time 4
(Miguel Torga, Diário XII)
Time 1
It was born small and in the correct place, on the right bank of River Douro, at half slope. Humble in its dimension and deviated from the urban agglomerate, its only company were birds and their twitter in their daily fluster, and the noise of the wild waters of the river running to the sea.
Time 2
It grew up, taking possession of the terrace that addorsed on it at West respecting the same metric and material, the same constructive and man-made technics, as it has always been: a new cell similar to the first two and another terrace (restoring the lost one) was the right measure.
Time 3
The next time is the one of abandonment, by the family; the reasons are known and universal - search for new opportunities and perspectives of life. The river loses its agressivity after the construction of the dam upstream, and the birds look for other places to survive. The ruin settles down and conquers that place.
Time 4
A new growth is inevitable, and another space revives from this preexisting, keeping its new form - ruin, last condition of the original construction. Two new cells, similar to the former, addorse to the ruin, following the same metric and movement, the same material and technics, involving the space of the last terrace at West and a natural terrace at South. The form is born from other forms, the place is born from other places.
Adalberto Dias