ReUSO Conference 2022
Several members of the H-Atlas.Porto project team attended the Xth edition of the ReUSO Conference; Documentation, Restoration and Reuse of Heritage (2-4 November 2022), held at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto. This meeting intends to motivate the discussion by scholars on issues that address the theory of restoration and its methodological applications, in order to consolidate the criteria and theoretical aspects in relation to contemporary needs and, above all, to the complexity of possible future orientations of our scientific sectors. At this event, team members presented several communications in the scope of the H-Atlas.Porto project:
Teresa Cunha Ferreira, Eleonora Fanitini, David Ordóñez-Castañón, Miguel Coutinho and Tiago Cruz. Adaptive reuse of built heritage in Portugal: Alcino Cardoso House (1971-1991) by Álvaro Siza as a reference case study.
Teresa Cunha Ferreira, Hugo Mendonça, Paulo B. Lourenço, Rui Fernandes Póvoas, Ana Tostões, Jónatas Valença, Hugo Costa and Eduardo Júlio. Design, Construction and Conservation of built heritage in exposed concrete. The Ocean Swimming Pool (1960-2021) by Álvaro Siza.
David Ordóñez-Castañón and Teresa Cunha Ferreira. Bridging tradition and modernism in the reuse of built heritage. Fernando Távora’s design approach at the Porto University Club.
Joaquim Teixeira and Rui Fernandes Póvoas. Intervention Methodology in the Porto Burgeoise House – The conservation of heritage values is an environmentally sustainable action.
Nuno Valentim. The rehabilitation of Bolhão Market, Porto. Project, process and the future of historical central markets.